
Rules of the 62nd Tenor Viñas International Singing Contest


Rules of the 62nd Tenor Viñas International Singing Contest


*If the healthy and safety regulations will change, The Organizing Committee of the Contest reserves the right to change the rules, including the way in which the different auditions will be produced.


1.- The 62nd Tenor Viñas International Singing Contest, of Barcelona, is open to all singers regardless of nationality, as follows:                  

a) all women singers up to 33 years of age. Age reached during the year 2024.                  
b) all men singers up to 33 years of age. Age reached during the year 2024.

There is no exception to the age limits.



2.- The contestant must send the online application form. The following documents should be attached: 

a) a scan copy of an official document confirming his/her age and nationality; 

b) a short outline of his/her musical studies, prizes awarded and professional activities; 

c) a scan copy of the bank document confirming that the contestant has paid the registration fee for the Preliminary Audition (refer to article 3 below). 

d) Artistic photography of the bust (High quality)


3.- The final deadline for registration is: October 1st, 2024. 

The registration fee for the Preliminary Auditions is 65€. Candidate must pay this amount via credit card payment or bank transfer (banking fees to be covered by the candidate) to the following account (the payment method is selected during the registration process):

by credit card payment or a bank transfer to the following account (the payment method is selected at the time of registration):


  • Banc: Caixabank, S.A.
  • Adreça de l’oficina bancària: Av. Diagonal 431 bis, 08006 Barcelona
  • Titular del compte: Fundación Privada Francesc Viñas
  • IBAN: ES40 2100 3060 5922 0201 8670

and must send the bank document confirming the payment to the secretariat of the competition along with the rest of materials (refer to article 2). Without this bank document, the registration will not be valid. No other form of payment will be accepted and the registration fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.

The registration fee for the Final Round is 50€. This fee must be paid in cash in Barcelona. After this payment, the candidate will receive a Contestant Identification Card. Without this card, the contestant will not be allowed to participate in the Final Round.


4.- Candidates must specify on their application form the city where they want to participate in the Preliminary Audition (refer to article 10), and the titles and composers of the selections they will present in the Preliminary Audition and in the Final Round of the Contest (refer to article 7). 

The application will not be considered valid unless the program is submitted as directed. No changes in any program will be accepted by the Organizing Committee after the closing date for the registration.


5.- The candidate must indicate on the Application Form:

a)  Voice:

  • soprano                                 
  • mezzo-soprano                      
  • contralto                                 
  • countertenor
  • tenor 
  • baritone
  • bass-baritone
  • bass

b) Classification in which he or she will participate:

  • Opera               
  • Opera – Oratorio Lied                   
  • Oratorio-Lied

All contestants who participate in any of 3 classifications ( Opera, Opera – Oratorio Lied and Oratorio-Lied) can apply for the 6 Official Prizes.

c) Special and Extraordinary Prizes in which he or she will participate:

  • Mozart Special Prize (refer to article 17)                      
  • Verdi Special Prize (refer to article 15)    
  • Zarzuela Special Prize (refer to article 16)  
  • Wagner Special Prize (refer to article 14)                       
  • Oratorio-Lied Special Prize  
  • Ferrer-Salat Extraordinary Prize     
  • Schubert Extraordinary Prize (refer to article 18)  

           * The remaining prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the Jury.


6.- Each classification can apply for this Prizes:

a) Opera Classification:

  • 6 Official Prizes
  • Mozart Special Prize
  • Verdi Special Prize
  • Wagner Special Prize
  • Zarzuela Special Prize
  • Scholarships and other Etraordinary Prizes

b) Opera – Oratorio Lied Classification:

  • 6 Official Prizes
  • Mozart Special Prize
  • Oratorio-Lied Special Prize
  • Victoria de los Ángeles Extraordinary Prize
  • Schubert Extraordinary Prize
  • Scholarships and other Etraordinary Prizes

c) Oratorio – Lied Classification:

  • 6 Official Prizes
  • Mozart Special Prize
  • Oratorio-Lied Special Prize
  • Victoria de los Ángeles Extraordinary Prize
  • Schubert Extraordinary Prize
  • Scholarships and other Etraordinary Prizes


7.- For the Opera Classification the contestant must present:

For the Preliminary Audition: 1 opera aria.

For the Final Round: 5 opera arias.

Opera Classification also includes: concert arias, zarzuela arias (a maximum of 2), operetta arias (a maximum of 1). At least 3 out of the 5 works of the Final Round must be opera arias.


For the Opera – Oratorio Lied Classification the contestant must present:

For the Preliminary Audition: 1 oratorio aria

For the Final Round: 2 opera arias, 1 oratorio aria, 3 songs.

Oratorio includes Cantata, Mass, Motet, Passion, etc.; and Lied includes melodies and classical, romantic or modern Lieder.


For the Oratorio-Lied Classification the contestant must present:

For the Preliminary Audition: 1 oratorio aria, 1 song.

For the Final Round: 3 oratorio arias, 5 songs.

Oratorio includes Cantata, Mass, Motet, Passion, etc.; and Lied includes melodies and classical, romantic or modern Lieder.


8.- The program chosen by the contestants must be made up of at least four works preferably from the following repertories: German, Italian, French, English, Latin, Russian, Spanish and Catalan; other languages are accepted. Contestants must sing in at least two languages. The works will be sung preferably by memory and always in original language. 


9.- The 62nd Tenor Viñas Contest will take place in two phases: 

I.- Preliminary Auditions – The candidate will audition in one of the following cities, according to the dates provided as follows:  

  • Beijing, 04.11.2024
  • Madrid, 06.11.2024
  • Milano, 07.11.2024
  • London, 08.11.2024
  • Berlin, 11 and 12.11.2024
  • Los Angeles 15.11.2024
  • New York, 18.11.2024
  • Paris, 25.11.2024
  • Barcelona, from 15 to 17.01.2025


Each candidate must indicate on the application form the city where he or she wants to have the Preliminary Audition (refer to article 10).

Any candidate needing to apply for a Visa will be obliged to have the Preliminary Audition in Barcelona (except in the case of candidates registered for the Beijing Peliminary Audition).

The candidates who apply for the Barcelona Preliminary Audition must to be one day before of the audition day adjudicated in order to do the Check-in for the Preliminary Audition. The Check-in will be on 14th, 15th and 17th from 15h to 17h at Hotel Catalonia Sagrada Familia***, Aragó Street 569 bis, the Contest official hotel.


II.-Final Round                  
The Final Round of the Contest will take place in four auditions, from January 19th until the 26th, 2025:

  1. The Second Audition, with public (with piano), will take place in the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu, carrer Nou de la Rambla 88, on Sunday 19th and Monday 20th January (refer to article 11). 
  2. The Semifinal Audition, in public (with piano) will take place in the auditorium of the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu, carrer Nou de la Rambla 88, on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd January (refer to article 12). 
  3. The Final Audition, in public (with piano) will take place in the Gran Teatre del Liceu, on Friday, January 24th (refer to article 13). 
  4. The Winners Concert, in public (with orchestra) will take place in the Gran Teatre del Liceu, on Sunday, January 26th (refer to article 19). 

The Organizing Committee will place a pianist at the disposal of each contestant. There is no possibility to use his or her own accompanist.

There will be no rehearsals with the pianists until the Semi Final Audition day.

The candidates who pass to the Final Round must to be one day before of the audition day adjudicated in order to do the Check-in for the Final Round. The Check-in will be on 18th and 19th from 15h to 17h at Hotel Catalonia Sagrada Familia***, Aragó Street 569 bis, the Contest official hotel.


10.- The Preliminary Auditions will take place on: 

  • November 04th, National Centre for the Performing Arts, Beijing;
  • November 06th, Teatro Real, Madrid
  • November 07th, Teatro alla Scala, Milano;
  • November 08th, Royal Opera House Covent Garden, London;
  • November 11th and 12th, Deutsche Oper, Berlin;
  • November 15th, Los Angeles Opera;
  • November 18th: Metropolitan Opera House, New York;
  • November 25th, Opéra National, Paris;
  • January 15th to 17th, 2025, Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona (at the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu)

The participant must ensure for himself / herself the health and safety regulations of the country selected to carry out the Preliminary Audition


At this Preliminary Audition the contestant will sing:

Opera Classification.- 1 opera aria.

Opera – Oratorio Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria.

Oratorio-Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria, 1 song.

The works will be chosen by the contestant and will not be sung again at the Final Round. The contestant’s performance may not exceed 5 minutes for the Opera and Opera-Oratorio Lied Classifications and 8 minutes for the Oratorio-Lied Classification.

The list of contestants selected for the Final Round will be posted on the Contest website.


11.- Second Audition.- The contestant will sing:

Opera Classification.- 1 opera aria.

Opera – Oratorio Lied Classification.- 1 opera aria.

Oratorio-Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria, 1 song.

The works will be chosen by the contestant from his or her program not sung in the Preliminary Audition. The contestant’s performance may not exceed 5 minutes for the Opera and Opera – Oratorio Lied Classifications and 8 minutes for the Oratorio-Lied Classification. The Jury reserves the right to suppress part of any work presented.


12.- Semifinal Audition.- The contestant will sing:

Opera Classification.- 2 opera arias.

Opera – Oratorio Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria, 1 opera aria.

Oratorio-Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria, 2 songs.

The works will be chosen by the contestant from those on his or her program not sung in any Audition. They may be sung in the order desired. According to the length of the Semifinal Audition, the Jury may decide to omit one work.

In any case the duration of the contestant’s performances may not exceed 10 minutes for the three Classifications. The Jury reserves the right to suppress part of any work presented.


13.- Final Audition.- The contestant will sing: 

Opera Classification.- 2 opera arias.

Opera – Oratorio Lied Classification.- 3 songs.

Oratorio-Lied Classification.- 1 oratorio aria, 2 songs.

The works will be chosen by the contestant from those on his or her program not sung during the Preliminary, Second or the Semifinal Auditions. However, the Jury, if it sees fit, reserves the right of requesting the contestant to repeat a work previously sung, in which case the contestant will be notified in advance. The contestant may sing the works in the order desired.

According to the length of the Final Audition the Jury may decide to omit one selection. In any case the duration of the contestant’s performances may not exceed 10 minutes for the three Classifications. The Jury reserves the right to suppress part of any work presented.


14- The contestants who compete for the Wagner Special Prize must proceed as follows: 

Opera Classification.- Two of the five arias selected on the application form must be from Wagner. One will be sung in the Semifinal Audition and the other in the Final Audition.


15.- The contestants who compete for the Verdi Special Prize must proceed as follows: 

Opera Classification.- Two of the five arias selected on the application form must be from Verdi. One will be sung in the Semifinal Audition and the other in the Final Audition. 

16.- The contestants who compete for the Zarzuela Special Prize must proceed as follows: 

Opera Classification.- Two of the five arias selected on the application form must be Zarzuela. One will be sung in the Semifinal Audition and the other in the Final Audition. 

17.- The contestants who compete for the Mozart Special Prize must proceed as follows:

Opera Classification: two of the five opera arias must be from Mozart. One will be sung in the Semifinal Audition and the other in the Final Audition.

Opera – Oratorio Lied Classification: one of the opera arias must be from Mozart and one of the three songs too. The opera aria will be sung in the Semifinal Audition and the song in the Final Audition.

Oratorio-Lied Classification: two songs and one oratorio aria must be from Mozart. One of the songs will be sung in the Semifinal Audition and the oratorio aria and the other song in the Final Audition.


18 .- The contestants who compete for the Schubert Extraordinary Prize must proceed as follows: 

Opera – Oratorio Lied Classification: Two of the works selected on the application form must be from Schubert. The two works must be sung in the Final Round, not in the Preliminary Audition.

Oratorio-Lied Classification: Two of the works selected on the application form must be from Schubert. The two works must be sung in the Final Round, not in the Preliminary Audition.


19.- The Winners Concert and the Prize Presentation Ceremony are compulsory for all those who have been awarded an Official Prize (First, Second ,Third, Fourth, Fifth or Sixth), Special Prize or Extraordinary Prize. Failure to participate in this concert and to attend the Prize distribution will signify the surrender of the prize by the winner. Monetary prizes will be paid by transfer.

On the morning and afternoon of Saturday 25th January 2025, a rehearsal with orchestra will be held at the «Gran Teatre del Liceu», and all winners must attend it.

If the winners do not provide the scores and accompaniment for the works to be sung at this concert, they will be obliged to accept those available to the Organizing Committee.


The four main prizewinners, in addition to taking part in the “Concert of the Prizewinning Artists of the 62nd edition of the Tenor Viñas Contest” to be held on April 6th, 2025 at the Teatro Real in Madrid (Spain) (a contract of 2,000€ lordo  + travels + accommodation). These singers must be available from April 3rd till April 6th, 2025). Participation in this concert is mandatory and failure to do so will require the prizewinner to relinquish the Official Prize.


The four main prizewinners will sign a contract when they will be in Barcelona during the Contest, for their participation in the concert at the Teatro Real. Without this contract the payment of the Official Prize will not be made effective.


20.- Through his/her act of registration in the contest, the candidate agrees to accept these contest rules, as well as the decisions of the Jury. 


21.- The Fundació Gran Teatre del Liceu and the Tenor Viñas International Singing Contest  have the world copyrights to record and broadcast on radio or television or any other existing or future recording, reproducing and/or broadcasting audiovisual means, the performances of the contestants, who by virtue of their participation in the contest express and formally renounce all the copyrights to which, from this fact, they could be entitled.



The Organizing Committee will pay the hotel expenses (bed and breakfast) for the contestants who are selected for the Final Round and who are not residents of the province of Barcelona (Spain) from Saturday, January 18th, until they are eliminated from the competition.

To benefit from this paid accommodation, these contestants must stay at Hotel Catalonia Sagrada Familia***, C/Arago 569 bis, where their rooms will be reserved for them from Saturday January 18th. This reservation and condition refers to shared accommodation if the health and safety regulation permit. If the contestant prefers a single room he/she will have to pay the difference due to its higher price.*


*If the health and safety regulation requires of the maximum precaution, all the candidates who are not residents of the province of Barcelona (Spain) will have an individual accommodation. All the expenses will be paid by the Organizing Committee.